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7 Mths holding you back from the greatest career!
You need a specific degree:
This is something I hear all the time. This may have been true even ten years ago, but it is no longer the case. A degree is not required to work as a software developer. In fact, many software developers have degrees in fields other than computer science. For example, the primary five tech businesses constantly hire people without degrees. You may be paid 10% less than a software engineer with a degree, but that is only for the first few years. It all works out in the end, and you may apply for any senior-level position, mainly because you didn’t have to pay $150K for your degree in the first place. It’s a fantastic offer. What you do need is a willingness to learn and a desire to solve problems. If you possess these characteristics, you can develop the abilities required to be successful in this area.

You need to be a genius to be a software developer:
To be a software developer, you don’t have to be a genius. Sure, it helps if you are naturally gifted in math and logic, or if you are intelligent, but software development is more about perseverance, determination, and problem-solving than it is about intelligence. Simply put, you apply your knowledge to solve a problem. You can learn the skills you need to succeed if you are willing to put in the effort. Oh, and being good at Google searches also helps.
It’s hard to be a developer:
Is there anything special required, or is it simply a lack of determination? Software development isn’t as difficult as you might think. Yes, it can be difficult at times, but it is also extremely rewarding. With the right resources and support, you can learn everything you need to know to be successful in this field. Working good hours and remotely are also advantages. Did I mention the high demand?

You need great Math skills
Software development does not necessitate advanced mathematical abilities. While software engineers must comprehend and work with sophisticated algorithms, they do not need to be able to generate them. In truth, many software developers are self-taught and have no formal mathematics background.
Learn Every Programming Language out there:
You may have heard that software development is all about learning new programming languages. This could not be further from the truth. While it is true that you must know at least one programming language to get started, there are many different languages out there, each with its own purpose. There’s a lot of software out there that I don’t know anything about, and to be honest? Never will.
You don’t have to learn them all at once. Simply concentrate on one language and master it. Get good at them, remain current on them, and that’s all. After that, you can always study new languages as you need them.

Years of Experience
Another common misconception about software development is that it requires years of experience to be effective. It is true that experienced developers are in high demand. But how will you gain experience if you don’t begin? The truth is that no prior experience is required to get started. You can start your software development profession with no experience if you get the correct training.
It’s Not Creative:
People frequently feel that software development is not a creative field. But this is simply not true. In truth, software development is a very creative area. Any good code is more art than science. There are numerous methods to be creative in software development, ranging from devising new algorithms to designing user interfaces. If you’re looking for a creative job, software development is a terrific choice.

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